Yesterday we made it to Lola Lake Provincial Nature Reserve, there is not a lot of information readily available about this space so I will tell you about a bird walk we did at Stanley Park.
Saturday we went to Stanley Park to go on a bird walk with SPES. It was led by Frank. We saw 29 species of birds. We saw a new bird to us, the Band-tailed Pigeon. It is the only native pigeon to where we live. The Band-tailed Pigeon likes to eat elderberries and they usually fly in flocks. We saw 8 at Stanley Park.
At the end of our walk we had a Pileated Woodpecker startle us, and it was really close. It is the larger woodpecker that lives in BC. Take a close look at this picture, can you see it's tongue?
On the way home we got to see some cool dragon flies. The red one is a cardinal meadowhawk. The other one is a common whitetail.
We are 405 km from Winnipeg, 3185 km from Tofino.