We picked Birds Canada because it supports birds. They study birds and they work with land owners to restore habitat. We liked that, because in restoring habitat for birds, they are also restoring habitat for other native species that would have lived in those areas, so they don't just help the birds. The reason why we chose OWL is because they help raptors that are hurt, treat them, and their goal is to try to release them back into the wild.
We are cycling across Canada because we like cycling, it doesn't cost a lot and it's better for the environment than driving a car. We also wanted a challenge, to learn about Canada, to talk with people that live across the country, and to raise money for Birds Canada and OWL Rehab. You can make a donation through our "saving the birds" campaign here.
We are 3646 km from Tofino.
This is a bushtit at its nest.