Yesterday we went to Allouette River to go paddle boarding. We loaded our inflatable paddle boards on our e-bike. While we were there we saw 18 different species of birds, and I will tell you about two of them.
We are 3344 km from Tofino.
First I will tell you about the Belted Kingfisher. The Belted Kingfisher is the only kingfisher that we have around us. We often hear it or see it flying over the water. Yesterday we saw it catch a fish. The female is more colourful than the male. The male is only blue and white and the female is blue and white and rusty. Their nest is a chamber dug into a bank. The do not flock, we usually only see one or two at a time. I don't think we've ever actually seen more than two. The Belted Kingfisher lays 6 to 7 eggs. They eat fish and crustaceans. Their wingspan is 48cm to 58cm. They weigh 150g to 175g. The Belted Kingfish's length is 28cm to 35cm. It's not known what their lifespan is.
The second bird is an Osprey. Yesterday we saw them soaring over the river. They are also called Fish Hawks or Fish Eagles. Osprey eat fish, and dive for their fish. When they are carrying a fish in flight, the fish is held headfirst. Ospreys build large nests like Bald Eagles. Osprey will build their nests on manmade platforms. They can have one to four eggs once per year. An Osprey's length is 53cm to 58cm, their wingspan is 1.5m to 1.8m. Their weight is 1.4kg to 2 kg. Osprey live up to 25 years.