We are 7698 km from Tofino. The short-eared owl has very short ear tufts, which you can't usually see. They have a wingspan of 0.9 to 1.1 m. They have a lifespan of up to 13 years. Short-eared owls are listed as vulnerable. They have a length of 34 to 41 cm and weigh 325 to 375 g. Their nest is an indent in the ground with grass lining it. They have one to two broods of four to seven eggs from March to June. Short-eared owls eat small mammals and birds. The boreal owl can live up to 11 years. They have a wingspan of 54 to 62 cm and weigh 90 to 225 g. Their status is secure. They will nest in woodpecker and natural tree cavities or nest boxes. Boreal owls have three to six eggs, once per year, from March to July. They also eat small mammals and sometimes birds and insects.
This is a short-eared owl photographed by Freda Du Plessis.
Bird Scavenger Hunt Starts THIS Saturday, February 26th!
For the end of our trip we are celebrating by having a bird scavenger hunt. Everyone's invited to search for birds. All the information here: https://acobyrne.wixsite.com/letsgoacrosscanada/post/bird-scavenger-hunt
Reminder, we have active fundraisers:
We're collecting cans and bottles, really anything that has a deposit on it to return for both Birds Canada and OWL Rehab. Let us know if you have some you'd like to donate, OR you can take yours back and make a donation to our campaign through our fundraising page, OR if you live in BC we set up an express Return-it account. So if you drop them off and use our phone number at the express station, then it will be credited to our account and we'll add the value to our donations to OWL and Birds Canada. Send us an email at birdscavengerhunt@gmail.com if you need our phone number.
Tru Earth for Birds Canada, 20% of orders placed with this link will come to us to be donated to Birds Canada. https://fundraising.tru.earth/SavingtheBirds
Handmade greeting cards, information available here (some photos are sold out, please contact us for current availability) Only 5 sets of 10 cards left! https://acobyrne.wixsite.com/letsgoacrosscanada/post/cards-for-sale
You can also donate to our campaign for OWL Rehab and Birds Canada at any time here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/saving-the-birds/