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Swan + Park!!

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

We made it through Presqu'ile Provincial Park, which is a migratory hotspot so I thought I would write about some of the birds you can see there. This is one of the e-bird lists for the park, so if you wanted to learn more about some of the birds in the park you could find which ones are there.

Mute swans are not mute, but they are very quiet. They are a big bird up to 1.5 m long, with a wingspan of 2 to 2.3 m, and weigh 5.5 to 14.5 kg. They can live up to 21 years. They can have two broods of four to eight eggs, anywhere between March and October. Their nest is built on the ground, but near water.

American black ducks look like darker versions of the female mallard, female gadwalls, and female mottled duck. Fortunately for us, we do not have them around where we live, so we don't have to try to figure out if it's mallard or an American black duck. American black ducks one have one brood of four to ten eggs from March to September. Their nest is on the ground close to the water. They are 54 to 59 cm long, with a wingspan of 88 to 95 cm and weigh 0,7 to 1.6 kg. They can live for up to 26 years.

Trumpeter swans can be distinguished from mute swans by their black bill. They have one brood of 3 to 6 eggs from April to September. Trumpeter swans sound a bit like a French horn, hence their name. They are 1.3 to 1.5 m long, with a wingspan of 2 m and weigh 7.5 to 12.5 kg.

We are 5057 from Tofino!!!!!

Reminder, we have active fundraisers:

Handmade greeting cards, information available here:

Our Tru Earth Fundraiser for Birds Canada is still running. 20% of orders placed with this link will come to us to be donated to Birds Canada.

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1 comentário

25 de out. de 2021

Congratulations on cracking the 5000 KM mark!! We are so proud of you for your dedication to your goal and for your efforts to fundraise for OWL and Birds Canada!

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